Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] en es it fr


Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Marchi, Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Analoghi

Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Marchi miscela

  • No information avaliable
  • Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Formula chimica


    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] RX link


    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] FDA foglio

    Levobunololum_[Inn-Latin] FDA

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] DMS (foglio di materiale di sicurezza)

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Sintesi di riferimento

    J. Shavel, Jr., S. Farber, US Pat. 3,614,152 (1972)

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Peso molecolare

    291.385 g/mol

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Temperatura di fusione


    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] H2O Solubilita

    Nessuna informazione disponibile

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Stato


    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] LogP


    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Forme di dosaggio

    Soluzione (oftalmica sterile liquifilm)

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Indicazione

    Per l'abbassamento della pressione intraoculare e può essere utilizzato in pazienti affetti da glaucoma ad angolo aperto o con ipertensione oculare

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Farmacologia

    Levobunolol è un oftalmico beta-bloccante, ugualmente efficace a β (1) - e β (2)-recettore siti. L'isomero levogiro della bunolol, Levobunolol viene utilizzato per il trattamento della pressione intraoculare a causa di glaucoma ad angolo aperto o con ipertensione oculare.

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Assorbimento


    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Tossicita

    Fallimento bradicardia, ipotensione, broncospasmo, e cardiaco acuto, LD50 = 700 mg / kg (per via orale nel ratto).

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Informazioni paziente


    This medicine is used to manage glaucoma and to lower increased pressure in the eye
    (intraocular pressure)

    General Information

    This information is for educational purposes only. Not every known side effect,
    adverse effect, or drug interaction is in this database. If you have questions about
    your medicines, talk to your healthcare provider.

    Proper use of this medicine

    Remove your contact lenses and leave them off for at least 15 minutes after you put
    this medicine in your eyes. First, wash your hands. Tilt your head back and with your
    index finger, form a pouch, by pulling your lid away from the eye. Gently place a drop
    into the pouch and close your eyes. Immediately press your finger against the corner of
    your eye to close off the tear duct, for 1 minute after you put the drop in your eye.
    This will avoid excessive absorption into the body. Do not touch the applicator tip to
    the eye or any other surface.

    Missed Dose

    Take your next dose as soon as you remember. If it is time for your next dose, skip the
    missed dose and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double doses.


    Protect from light. Store unopened bottle under refrigeration (36 to 46 degrees F).
    Once opened may store at room temperature for 6 weeks.

    Possible Side Effects

    burning of the eyes or irritation
    blurred vision
    growth of eyelashes
    pigmentation of the eye (iridial)
    This medicine can cause the following side effects:
    Unreported side effects are possible, talk to your healthcare provider if any other
    symptoms occur.


    Before using this medication, tell your doctor if you have:
    heart disease
    high blood pressure
    kidney or liver disease
    slow heart rate (bradycardia)
    thyroid disease
    Do not use any eyedrop that is discolored or has particles in it.


    Seek medical attention immediately. For non emergencies, contact your local or regional
    poison control center

    Drug Interactions

    Before using this medicine, tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following
    acetazolamide (Diamox)
    dichlorphenamide (Daranide)
    methazolamide (Neptazane)
    propranolol (Inderal)
    atenolol (Tenormin)
    metoprolol (Lopressor; Toprol XL)
    acebutolol (Sectral)
    carvedilol (Coreg)
    carteolol (Cartrol)
    labetalol (Normodyne; Trandate)
    pindolol (Visken)
    sotalol (Betapace)
    timolol (Blocadren)
    Tell your doctor about any other mediciations that you are taking, including vitamins
    and over-the-counter products.


    If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant talk to your doctor about the
    benefits verses the risk of taking this medicine. It is unknown if this medicine is
    excreted in breast milk. Talk to your doctor if you plan to breast feed while taking
    this medicine.

    More Information

    For more information about this medicine, talk to your healthcare provider.

    Levobunololum [Inn-Latin] Atto interessato organismi

    Gli esseri umani e altri mammiferi